How to Know if You Need a Breast Implant Revision

How to Know if You Need a Breast Implant Revision

Most people enjoy the results of their breast augmentation for 10-20 years before their implants need replacing, but there are several reasons why you may need a breast implant revision sooner. 

At Frederick H. Watkins, MD, in McLean, Virginia, and Rockville, Maryland, Dr. Watkins and our team are here to help remedy your common breast augmentation challenges with a breast implant revision.

Here are five common signs you may need breast implant revision surgery.

1. You experience a breast implant rupture

You need a breast implant revision if one of your breast implants deflates after abrupt or intense physical pressure (like a car accident), or over time through the weakening of the implant shell.

Breast implant ruptures aren’t life-threatening, but you must have the damaged implant removed to prevent scar tissue development or infection.

2. Your breast implant cause pain

Once healed, breast augmentation shouldn’t cause discomfort or pain. Painful or uncomfortable implants may indicate a number of issues that require revision surgeries, including:

If you have silicone implants, pain may signify your implant has ruptured or is leaking.

Pain or discomfort isn’t a common side effect of breast implant surgery, so if you experience either, call Dr. Watkins for an appointment.

3. Your implant has moved or drooped

While it’s normal for breast implants to settle into a different position or to droop slightly over time, it’s not normal for a breast implant to move to an entirely different position or to fall lower while your nipples raise and move upward.

If the implant pocket is too large, your implant may move too far away from the midline of your chest, called lateral displacement. An implant pocket that’s too large can also cause implant rotation, which creates an unnatural breast appearance.

People with heavy implants, skin laxity due to aging, or post-surgery pregnancies may experience “bottoming out” of their implants. This condition causes your implant to fall below your breast crease, and you may be able to see and feel the outline of your implant.

Moving or bottoming out implants may require a breast implant revision.

4. You’re not happy with your breast size or shape

If you’re still unhappy with your breast size or shape after breast augmentation, a breast implant revision procedure may help. Implant revision can help if you want larger or smaller implants, or if you feel your breasts aren’t symmetrical.

Dr. Watkins recommends waiting a year after your initial breast augmentation to ensure your body fully heals and your implants have settled into their final position before you decide to have your implant revision.

5. You experience capsular contracture

All breast augmentation procedures result in the formation of some scar tissue. Scar tissue helps support your implant and maintain its positioning, but sometimes your body mistakes your implant for a dangerous object and creates excessive scar tissue, known as capsular contracture.

Overproduction of scar tissue creates dense, hard tissue around your breast implant. Severe capsular contracture can create hard, misshapen breasts that look and feel unnatural. If you have excessive scar tissue, you’ll likely need a breast implant revision.

To find out if you need a breast implant revision procedure, call either of our two offices to schedule a consultation with Dr. Watkins today, or use our online booking tool.

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