Why Breast Reduction Surgery Has Such a High Satisfaction Rate

Having large breasts can be a big source of stress for women (and men). Breast reduction surgery, also known as mammaplasty, offers a good solution for people with large breasts. During breast reduction surgery, excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are surgically removed from your chest, leaving you with smaller, lighter breasts.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, most people who have breast reduction surgery are glad they did. In fact, in a study of 125 women, 80% rated their surgical outcomes as good or very good one year later.

Why are people so happy with their breast reduction surgery? Read on to find out.

Reason #1: Less physical discomfort

Large breasts are heavy, and their weight can strain your shoulders, back, neck, and chest. Having large breasts can cause various types of discomfort, including:

People who experience pain because of large breasts often find that their discomfort disappears after surgery. And if you take medication for chronic back, neck, or shoulder pain, you may discover that you no longer need it after breast reduction surgery.

Reason #2: More physical freedom

If you have large breasts, you know they can get in the way when you move around, play sports, and perform everyday activities. They can even interfere with sex. 

Reducing breast size can free you to be more physically active and to feel less encumbered by the size of your chest. If you’ve held back on doing cardiovascular exercise because of breast discomfort, breast reduction surgery could pave the way for you to become more physically fit. 

Decreasing your breast size can also lead to improved posture, because many people with large breasts stoop over or round their shoulders in an effort to hide their breast size. Over time, poor posture can lead to chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain.

Reason #3: Less emotional upset

It’s sad but true: People with large breasts may find themselves on the receiving end of taunting, bullying, emotional abuse, or sexual predation. They may be thought of as promiscuous or immoral. This can cause major emotional distress with deep, long-lasting impact. 

Breast reduction surgery can offer emotional relief for people who have lived through years or even decades of taunting or victimization because of their breast size.

Reason #4: Better self-image

If your self-image has suffered because of your large breasts, reducing their size can give your self-esteem a boost. This is especially true if you hold back at work or in social situations because of your physique.

Reason #5: More choice in clothing

Choosing dresses, shirts, bras, or even coats that fit well can be a significant challenge when you have large breasts. After breast reduction surgery, people typically find that they enjoy having more clothing options.

Is breast reduction surgery right for you?

If your large breasts are causing you pain or stress, you may want to consider breast reduction surgery. Here at our practice, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Frederick Watkins has extensive experience performing breast reduction surgery. Dr. Watkins can answer all of your questions and help you decide whether to have this life-altering procedure.

To learn more, schedule a consultation by using online booking or calling one of our offices in Rockville, Maryland, or McLean, Virginia.

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